A Just, Righteous God!

Wherefore now let the fear of the LORD be upon you; take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts.

2 Chronicles 19:7

The fear of the Lord is almost non existent these days. In the Old Testament and in a few instances, the judgement of the Lord was almost immediate. The people feared the Lord because they knew their lives were in danger if they transgressed His commandments and disobeyed Him. In the world today, the grace of God is taken for granted because the Lord gives us chances over and over again to repent and turn back to Him. But, be not deceived, the Lord is perfect, righteous and just in all His ways.

Just because He is merciful towards you and doesn’t punish you immediately for all your misdoings, doesn’t mean He doesn’t see it or that it doesn’t please His heart. There is no iniquity with the Lord, not respect of persons, nor taking of gifts. While you can’t bribe or buy your way into eternity, thank God for the blood of Jesus through which you can be cleansed and His transforming power through you can be changed if you will just surrender to His will.

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