Impossibilities Become Possibilities By Faith In God

We have all heard this over and over – With God, nothing shall be impossible. Yet, we do not see things happening in our lives because of the lack of faith we have in Him. The work of God in our lives depends on the faith and trust we have in Him. Jesus says, if you believe, you will see the glory of God. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. God has dealt to every man the measure of faith. It is your responsibility to exercise your God-given measure of faith, and talk to that mountain in your life, and see it being cast into the sea. All you require is faith as small as a mustard seed.

If you have difficulty exercising that God-given measure of faith, all you need to do is admit to the Lord your unbelief and lack of faith, and He will build up His most holy faith in you, He will help you to believe, to have faith and to trust in Him. The Lord who has bestowed upon you a measure of faith is well able to help your unbelief, and increase that faith much more. So, step out of your comfort zone, and choose faith over all your fears, because He will never put you to shame if you trust in Him.

Every mountain that is impossible to climb, every stormy sea that is impossible to sail through, every strong tempest that is threatening to push you down, every valley you are passing through with tears, every conflict, every situation, every circumstance, every sickness, every need of yours, all of them are met in the presence of the person of Jesus. Nothing is impossible with Him if you believe. Have faith in the Author and the Finisher of your faith,  because without Him, you can do nothing. He will sustain you, and change things around in your favor, if you will trust in Him and in His timing.

For with God nothing shall be impossible. Luke 1:37

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