The Faithful God Is By Your Side!

Life is unpredictable, unfair and unreasonable at times. You may have troubles and problems you struggle with each day, and when one gets over, the next one is waiting for you just around the corner. You may have situations that you are worried about, because you do not know the end result, nor do you have a clue of what will happen the next minute. You may in the crossroads trying to take a decision that would change your entire course of life. You may be going through real tough times and the pain you are feeling might be so very palpable that you cannot see or think through it clearly.

No matter what you are facing in life today, no matter what your problems are, even when the struggle is real, when the pain is intense, though there may be no solution in sight, no soul to understand your emotions, one thing is certain, and that is, through it all, through each second of your struggle, the Lord is faithful. He has not abandoned you, nor has He left you to fend for yourself. He knows your struggle, He knows your pain, He understands you inside out, much more than you would ever understand yourself. He is right by your side, working through your pain and sorrow.

His faithfulness will never depart from your life, for He who promised is faithful, and He also will do it. Until He has done all that He has promised you, until He finishes the good work that He has started in you, you can rest assured that He will bring the work that He started to completion. He will stablish you in His mercy and grace and lead you to the place He has in mind for you. He will protect you, preserve you, and establish your ways. Though evil may be all around you, it will not touch you, because the Lord is your defense, and nothing can thwart His plan for you.

But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil. 2 Thessalonians 3:3

2 responses to “The Faithful God Is By Your Side!”

  1. Rushenka Mrinalini Rajamanie Avatar
    Rushenka Mrinalini Rajamanie

    I am glad that I have a faithful Father always by my sideā€¦

    Liked by 1 person

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