Do All The Good You Can!

As much as doing good is the duty of a child of God which in turn results in the blessing of God, not doing the good you can, when one is in need, is counted as sin in the eyes of God. Your circle of influence, the effect and influence you have on those you meet in your daily life, is much larger and stronger than you’d ever imagine.

Goodness is one of the fruits of the Spirit, and as you grow in the Lord, the goodness that is imparted in you through the power of the Holy Spirit becomes evident in your life, and you bring forth the fruits of the Spirit in your daily life. The goodness that you extend may not yield results immediately. You may not receive the gratitude you rightfully deserve.

However, can you choose to follow the footsteps of Jesus and do good even to those who hate you? Extend the goodness that God has showered upon you to those around you. The Lord, because of His tender mercies, bestows His goodness even while we are undeserving. Would you extend the same goodness, without any expectation, for your reward comes from the Lord?

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10

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