Strengthen Those Of Little Faith!

We are quick to condemn those who have little faith, those who fear, doubt and get anxious. However, here we see the reaction of Jesus, the giver of all faith. All it took was for Peter to acknowledge his lack of faith. Immediately, Jesus stretched forth His hand and caught Peter so that he may not drown.

Though He exhorted Peter, He didn’t condemn him, and as we know, Peter grew in his faith to become one of the greatest apostles of all time. The reaction of Jesus stemmed from His love and humility. There is a measure of faith given unto each person by God Himself, and we as brethren in Christ, are to encourage each other to grow in faith towards the most holy faith.

Reach out to those have little faith, strengthen their feeble hands and strong knees. Let’s love without judgement, be humble without self righteousness and then will our hearts be softened to be compassionate to those who acknowledge their lack of faith. Your faith grows as you exercise your faith and have faith for them to grow in faith.

And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? Matthew 14:31

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